Got a Bad Boss? Get Ready for a Decrease in Profitability

I bet every single person who reads this blog post can tell me a story about a terrible boss they once had. We’ve all got the stories. From the angry, distrustful boss to the timid and laissez-faire boss, everyone has had a supervisor that makes their worklife a living nightmare. I’d like to tell you … Continue reading

11 No-Good Reasons for Lack of Leadership Development

Addressing the Strange Case of Missing Development Initiatives I have learned two things in the last couple of years that combine to make my head spin.  Luckily, they are closely linked.  Maybe you’ll have a solution. Fact 1:  Few Organizations have Consistent Leadership Development Programs I heard a presentation from a solid research team that … Continue reading

Webinar Poll

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The Motivation Myth That Won’t Go Away!

We are excited to introduce a guest posting from Jim Clemmer, an entrepreneurial keynote speaker, workshop and retreat leader, and management team developer. Jim Clemmer and Jack Zenger have been business friends for a number of years. Jack has asked Jim to share his thoughts  and opinions on motivating and inspiring others. In the movie, … Continue reading