Leadership Outside the Corner Office: 5 Ways to Leverage Leadership in Individual Contributors

I do not covet the corner office. I don’t want to be the CEO, VP, or hold any position that requires the majority of my day to be spent managing people that manage other people. Some may see this as showing a clear lack of ambition or talent on my part. After all, in a … Continue reading

The Flaw in Focusing on Weaknesses

The typical weakness-focused 360 process seems to communicate to managers only what they don’t do well. One leader commented, “They try to embarrass and humiliate us enough to motivate us to put some effort into improving something we really don’t care much about.” This lack of motivation shows in the results. In our research, leaders who focus only on fixing weaknesses saw half as much gain in effectiveness as those who work on improving strengths.

The Worst Leaders Leading Our Country

While riding on an airport shuttle to a parking lot, the driver mentioned to me a web-site that he particularly enjoyed, http://www.despair.com.  They create parodies of motivational posters.  His favorite was one with a group of hands locked together, with the caption “None of us is ever as stupid as all of us.”   He interpreted … Continue reading