Managers: Stop Telling! Start Coaching!

Given the current state of business today, almost all leaders are concerned with a few predictable and problematic areas: Doing more with fewer resources Employee engagement and commitment Succession planning Most clients we work with believe coaching to be the key to unlock the doors to some of the answers—inspiring employees in challenging times, growing … Continue reading

Part Two: Quit and Stay? 7 Factors to Increase Employee Satisfaction

The first 3 Factors were consistent values, long-term focus, and local leadership. To read more about these, scroll down to Part One. The last 4 factors are: 4. Continuous Communications. People often tend to communicate less during bad times when they need communication even more. This company increased its efforts to communicate and share important … Continue reading

Quit and Stay? 7 Factors to Increase Employee Satisfaction

Two years ago when employees became dissatisfied with their organization they would quit and get another job. Today, with emplacement opportunities very low and unemployment extremely high, very few people opt to quit and leave. Their option is to quit and stay.  In the last year, overall job satisfaction in the U.S. has declined significantly. … Continue reading

“Inspiring Leadership” Pops Up Everywhere

Many years ago my wife and I were remodeling a home.  It was an English Tudor style house and we decided to add some decorative chimney pots to make the house appear more authentic.  Suddenly, everywhere I went I found myself looking at those unique objects on top of chimneys.  Until then, these had been … Continue reading